Women's Spirituality


The purpose of this workshop is to look at The central challenges of relationships in women's lives that draw new understandings on the importance to achieve connections to others for discovering and recovering the "Creative Self". .

: ~ Understand the obstacle of dependence.

~ Learn the forms of connections.

~ Understand culturally prescribed feminine attachment behaviors in intimacy as "Oneness" vs. the true inner connection between two people's essential selves, which carries the promise of bliss, the fulfillment of our life's purpose, the completion of our spiritual development.

~ Learn the relational self-image a product of development and moral themes that appear in the society's voice that women identify with in order to be loved.

~ Understand the dangers of silencing the self in relationships that cultivate loss of one's voice, loss of one's partner and loss of oneself.

~ Manage conflict, anger and oppression through creative non-action that will cultivate the very essence of trusting yourself to bring life's pathway into harmony with fate.

The participant will work through a holistic, integrated, principle centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. This process will help the individual to bring their life's pathway and fate into harmony with their true inner feelings (Spiritual Self), which will bring about a different orientation of consciousness to build character.

Private One on One Sessions are available to those who prefer to go through the above teachings in a more private environment. To register contact Kathleen A. Killian - Spiritual Awareness Therapist, Founder and Spiritual Director of Intuition and Energy Medicine. Phone (412) 321-6645, Fax (412)321-5673, or E-mail.

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